Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Byron Bay

Well, I sure missed a few things in the Blue Mountain update, but I don't have my journal on me to correct and add to it at this point, so I will do that a little later.

Today I am sitting in Byron Bay. It is a touristy hippie town full of people and shops and right on the water.. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are rumoured to be around because there is a big concert next week... but a quick update for the last couple of days..

So I guess it was only yesterday, but it sure feels like some time ago, early in the morning I set out on the OZexperience but out of Sydney. After a nine hour bus ride, we arrived at the Mojo Surf camp. A nice little spot on the beach with an enthusiastic staff. We didn't arrive there until 5 PM or so, so I walked along the beach for a bit and the booked a couple of tours for later on in my journey.. ( I am probably spending more than I should, but really, when will i make it back this way..?!) One booking was 2 nights on a tall ship... isn't that the coolest!!

The in the evening they fed us dinner and held a beach party.. much like the bush parties of years ago, with drinks, people and fire, though they didn't have any music , so it wasn't too rockin'.. as well there was an early wake up for breakie and to surf... I know that sounds exciting, but I sat out the surfing.. sad sad sad, but I have tried it before and it hurts my back, and I didn't really want to be hurting so early into my trip.. I did enjoy watching the others splash around in the water though!

The bus has 22 people on and I'd say 90% of them are from England and have been very nice to me and great at including me into their invites... They are all in the their early 20's so I have some issues trying to keep up with their energies though! I shall go drink some wine with them after I finish the update today.

So we arrived in Byron Bay at about 2:30 and settled into the hostel (run by a bunch of Canadians!) Then I went down to the beach with a couple of gals and laid in the sun and read a book (already finished one, thanks Rick.)

Tomorrow I have booked a snorkel with turtles and was told they saw sharks last week, so I am looking forward to that!

Anyway, I am here fore two nights and then head to Brisbane, to meet up with a gal I met when i went through Europe a few years ago... she is kindly letting me stay with her, so I can save a few dollars! yah!

Take care all.. til next time..

PS.. the first two pictures are the beach at Surf Camp and a then the last one is a kangaroo! (obviously!)...

PSS.. the sky here is AMAZING.. I fell in love looking at it last night.. WOW.. I swear I saw the Milky Way and a bazillion stars.... beautiful!


1 comment:

Nicola said...

As if you are old. We are just young lasses. I am glad though that I went to OZ when I was younger. I did travel a lot with a lady in her 40's and there seemed to be more of a mixed group when I went. You will find that in places like Africa and parts of Asia (not Thailand) travellers are much older. OZ and Europe seem to be the Uni crowd and high school grads. I was just on a cruise in the Caribbean during US spring break and it was full of college spring breakers. I read your updates and it reminds me of the amazing things that I saw and did in OZ. I am sooooo glad that you are having a good time. ENJOY!!! Nicola